Our Staff
VDir. Andrea Schulte-Andrianakis, MSc
Dora Bischof
Teacher for German as a second language and PYP 1
Ervin Ćenanović
Psychosocial Support Team
Educator and social worker for children and parents
Sigrid Fleischhacker-Diernberger
Guidance counselor
Dipl.-Päd. Britta Goll
Teacher for PYP 1/2
Teacher for German as a second language and speech therapy
Jacquelyn Hafellner, MA
Music and English teacher
IB Coordinator
Alina Hochwartner
Inclusion and special education teacher
Dipl.-Päd. Gabriele Knam
Teacher for German as a second language
Catarina Reichmann
Integration and special education teacher
Bridget Schachner
English teacher
IB Leadership Team
Stefanie Schöngrundner
Teacher for German as a second language
Malaika Tschirko
Integration and special education teacher
Teacher for PYP 1