Our educational concepts
MINT - Research-based learning (STEM)
Mathematics-Computer Science-Natural Science-Technology
We strive to expand our knowledge on our journey to become life-long learners. The child is at the center of all educational interventions in order to support his or her development in the best possible way. In inquiry-based learning, children are active designers of their individual learning processes. The basis for this is their own questions and interests. Learning is made fun when what is learned is relevant to the real world and the life of the individual child.

English Anytime - Native Speaker
Sprache, MINT, Musik

pedagogically qualified native speakers from the USA and Great Britain work at our school.
They offer English-language immersion and supplement German-language instruction in a variety of subjects.
Project-Based Teaching
Those who wish to research, need freedom and space:
Research-based learning and experimentation is emphasized at our school and is an integral part of the curriculum.
Research can be done in all subjects!
This is helped by our
-Experiment table
-Open learning spaces
-Garden and terraces
-good materials
-external cooperation partners

Soft and Social Skills

Fundamental Competences
Fundamental competences that school children need to successfully participate in the learning and education process within the class, are amongst other things:
- Self-competence-children who are aware of their individuality
- Social-competence-e.g. empathy, the willingness to be considerate and the willingness to co-operate with other children and adults
- Competent handling of education materials, tools, and tasks
School as a Small Society:
Democracy-live it and learn
Dialogic learning as an important teaching concept.
The focus of teaching lies in the education of social and team competences. The curriculum will be actively contributed to by the child. Through research assignments, pupils can delve even deeper into their learning. It is necessary to spark curiosity and joy in learning so the child can actively engage with the curriculum. Through independent “research,” the child discovers on his or her own what the solution is to the provided question or task.
- I do it like this
- How do you do it?
- We agree to do it this way
Mistakes are allowed to be made as they are a chance to deal with the content again, but more precisely and thoroughly.